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All the most current news and events of my life
Cybersecurity in the Digital Age: Navigating the Online World Safely

Introduction: In the digital age, where our lives are increasingly intertwined with the internet, cybersecurity has become more critical than ever. The surge in online activities, from e-commerce to remote work, has opened up new vulnerabilities, making it paramount for individuals and organizations alike…

A Guide to Buying a MacBook in 2024

Introduction: Entering the world of MacBooks in 2024 can be both exciting and overwhelming. With Apple’s continuous innovation, choosing the right MacBook that aligns with your needs and budget requires understanding the latest advancements and offerings. This guide will navigate you through the key…

Other Publications

Successfully completed an independent research study as a partial requirement of the first-degree program with an A grade pass on “Impact of the Antecedents of ICT Adoption on the Performance of SMEs in the Colombo District, Sri Lanka”. Market Survey for the Ministry of…

Case Studies

P.T.D. Liyanage, D.C.H. De Silva, M.H.D.N. Perera, C.H. Jayasooriya, H.E. Sooriyaarachchi, S. Manuelpillai, N. Amarathunga, (2022), “Weathering the Storm: The Success Story of Dilmah amidst Pandemic and Economic Crisis” which has been written to “Surviving through adversities: A Compendium of Case Studies”, 19th International…

Conference Proceedings

Published an Abstract on “Impact of the Antecedents of ICT Adoption on the Business Performance of SMEs in the Colombo District, Sri Lanka” in the IIER Conference Proceedings ( M.H. D. N. Perera, M.P.S.R Perera, (2020), “Relationship between the Antecedents of ICT Adoption and…

Journal Publications

M.H. D. N. Perera, M.P.S.R Perera. (2021), “Information and Communication Technology Adoption Models in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises – A Literature Review”, Sri Lankan Journal of Entrepreneurship, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 10-28. M.H. D. N. Perera, M.P.S.R Perera. (2021), “Technology Organization Environment…